Esta postagem é resultado da compilação de vários textos de livros em inglês, japonês e português, inclusive de sites encontrados na rede mundial de computadores, e que duraram meses como um trabalho acadêmico, obviamente, sem fins lucrativos, com o único intuito de ajudar aqueles que pesquisam sobre o assunto. Um dos sites: foi fundamental na ilustração dos meridianos, sem o qual, este trabalho não teria sido feito. Convido todos a visitarem este site de excelente qualidade técnica e sobretudo gráfica. Vai lhes acrescentar ricos conhecimentos sobre tudo que se entende por Medicina Oriental. Obrigado pela visita.
Abdominal Cold Pain: BP15.
Abdominal Discomfort: B45 B49.
Abdominal Distention: IG8 E19 E20 E21 E25 E28 E36 E37 E41 E44 BP1 BP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 BP6 BP8 BP9 BP15 B17 B19 B20 B21 B22 B25 B26 B27 B53 R7 R15 R16 VB24 VB25 VB39 F2 F13 F14 VC6 VC10 VC11 VC12 VC13.
Abdominal Distention and Fullness: E22 BP7.
Abdominal Distention and Pain: R20.
Abdominal Fullness: E28 B50 PC6 VB39 F10 VG7.
Abdominal Fullness and Distention: E45.
Abdominal Masses: BP12 BP13 B18 F13 VC6 VC13.
Abdominal Pain: P10 IG4 IG8 IG9 IG10 IG11 E21 E25 E26 E28 E29 E30 E35 E36 E37 E39 E43 E44 BP2 BP4 BP5 BP6 BP9 BP12 BP14 BP15 BP16 ID19 B11 B16 B18 B20 B21 B25 B27 B34 B40 B48 R10 R16 R17 R18 R21 PC6 TA5 VB26 VB27 F3 F4 F8 F13 VG4 VG26 VC3 VC4 VC5 VC6 VC8 VC12.
Abdominal Pain or Swelling: BP13.
Abdominal Swelling: VC7.
Agitation: E23 B13 B14 B15 PC3 PC4 PC5 F2 VG12 VG20.
Agitation and Fullness below the Heart: R21.
Agitation and Heat of the Hands and Feet: VB11.
Allergies: IG11 E36.
Amenorrhea: IG4 E29 E40 BP6 BP10 VB26 VC3 VC4 VC5 VC7.
Anal and Rectal Conditions: B35.
Anal Diseases: B30.
Anal Prolapse: E21 VG1 VG4 VG20 VC8.
Anger: B47 PC8 F2.
Anger Injuring the Liver: VG8.
Anger, Fear, Fright, Unhappiness: R4.
Angina: E12.
Ankle Conditions: BP4 BP5 B62 VB38 VB39 VB40 F3 F4.
Ankle Pain: B60.
Ankle Pain and Swelling: E41.
Anuria: BP11 B39 VC3.
Anxiety: C1 B15.
Aphasia: E4.
Aphasia from Stroke: B62 TA8 VG12.
Appetite Absent: E21 E25 B20 B21 R17 VG9.
Appetite Excessive: BP4 BP5.
Apprehension: PC5.
Arm and Elbow Pain: IG8.
Arm Cold: C1.
Arm Contraction: IG12 C4 PC6.
Arm Motor Impairment: IG5 IG15 IG16 ID9 ID10 TA5 TA14 VB21.
Arm Numbness: IG9 IG12 C3.
Arm Pain: P5 P6 IG4 IG6 IG9 IG10 IG11 IG12 IG13 IG14 IG15 IG16 C1 C3 C5 ID3 ID5 ID6 ID8 ID9 ID10 ID11 PC2 PC3 PC5 PC6 TA2 TA3 TA4 TA6 TA8 TA10 TA14.
Arm Paralysis: IG10 IG11 IG14 IG15 ID9 TA14.
Arm Tremor: PC3.
Arm Upper and Elbow Numbness: B41.
Arm Weakness: IG15 ID10.
Arthritis: B11.
Arthritis Shoulder: IG11 C1 ID6 TA5.
Ascites: IG6 BP9 BP17 B22 VC5 VC9.
Asthma 1 P1 P2 P3 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 IG18
Asthma 2 E9 E13 E16 E36 E40 BP21 C5 ID11 ID15
Asthma 3 ID17 B12 B13 B17 B23 B24 B43 B45 R3
Asthma 4 R4 R22 R23 R24 R26 PC6 VG9 VG12 VG14
Asthma 5 VC17 VC20 VC21 VC22 VG10
Aversion to Cold B10
Aversion to Wind and Cold B65 VB3 VB15 VG19
Axillary Adenopathy VB22
Axillary Edema VB22
Axillary Pain C3 TA6 VB38
Axillary Pain and Swelling PC1 VB42
Axillary Swelling B19 PC5 VB38 VB40
Back Heaviness TA6
Back Pain 1 P1 P10 IG14 IG16 ID6 ID15 B10 B11 B12
Back Pain 2 B13 B18 B20 B47 B49 B50 B65 TA6 VB20
Back Pain 3 VB21 VB25 VB28 VG9 VG10 VG11 VG12
Back Pain and Stiffness B44 B46
Back Pain Radiates to Testicles E39
Back Stiffness B13
Below Heart Distention and Fullness IG13
Beriberi E32 E37 BP9
Bitter Taste B19 VB11 VB34 VB38 F2
Blood and Pus in Stools BP16
Blotches Purple-White from Wind P4
Blurred Vision IG13 ID7
Body Aches General VB39
Body Heaviness BP3
Bone Disorders B11 B13 B17 B19 B23 VG4 VG14 VG13
Bone Marrow with Coldness IG9
Borborygmus 1 IG9 E20 E22 E25 E36 E37 E43 BP3 BP4
Borborygmus 2 BP5 BP6 BP7 BP17 B16 B21 B22 B25 B48
Borborygmus 3 B53 R7 VB25 F13 VG9 VC8 VC9 V10 VC13
Borborygmus with Abdominal Pain IG7
Breast Abscess E15 E16 R23 R24
Breast Pain E15 BP4 BP5 VB37 VB41 F14
Breast Pain and Distention VB42
Breast Swelling ID1 VB37 VB41 F14
Carbuncles and Furuncles VG10 VG12
Cardiac Arrhythmia C5 B15 PC6
Cardiac Conditions C8 B15 B44 PC6 PC7 VG11 VG12
Cardiac Pain 1 P4 P10 C1 C3 C4 C6 C7 C8 C9
Cardiac Pain 2 B14 B15 B16 R3 R21 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5
Cardiac Pain 3 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 TA6 F13 VG26 VC6 VC13
Cardiac Pain 4 VC14 VC18
Cardiothoracic Pain VC15
Cheek and Submandible Swelling VB7
Cheek Swelling VB12
Chest Agitation PC1
Chest Agitation and Oppression P2
Chest and Diaphragm Discomfort B46
Chest and Lateral Costal Region Discomfort B47
Chest and Lateral Costal Region Fullness BP17 BP19 BP20 R23
Chest and Lateral Costal Region Pain BP21
Chest and Lateral Costal Region Pain and Fullness R22
Chest and Sternal Pain VC18
Chest Discomfort 1 P1 P5 ID11 B11 B13 B14 B19 B45 PC6
Chest Discomfort 2 VB34 F14 VG9 VG14 VC14 VC17 VC21 VC22
Chest Fullness C6 B44 R24 VB22 VB23
Chest Fullness and Distention R26 VB35
Chest Fullness and Pain BP18
Chest Lumps B18
Chest Oppression E12 TA15
Chest Pain 1 P1 P6 P8 P9 P10 E36 E40 C1 C8
Chest Pain 2 ID19 B13 B14 B19 B21 R21 R27 PC2 PC4
Chest Pain 3 PC5 PC6 PC7 TA5 TA6 VB13 VB36 VB38 VB40
Chest Pain 4 VB43 F13 F14 VG9 VC17 VC19 VC20 VC21
Chest Pain and Fullness E14
Chest Pain and Lateral Costal Region Fullness VC16
Chest Pain and Oppression R25
Childbirth Disorders E30
Chills IG14 ID10 B1 B11 B15
Chills and Fever IG14 ID10 B15
Chills and Fever without Sweating VB37
Clonic Spasm VG1
Cloudy Vision R5
Coccyx Pain B35
Coma PC8 VG26 VC1
Common Cold B2
Complexion Red ID18
Consitpation 1 VG1 IG4 E24 E25 E36 E40 E41 E44 BP2
Constipation 2 BP3 BP4 BP5 BP13 BP15 BP16 B25 B27 B28
Constipation 3 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34 B36 B51 B54 B56
Constipation 4 B57 R1 R6 R15 R16 R17 R18 TA5 TA6
Constipation 5 VB27 VB34 F2 VC6 VC12
Convulsions B5
Cools Blood P3 IG11 BP10 B40 PC4 PC7 PC8
Cools Blood Heat B17
Cools Fire E36 B18 VB19
Cools Gall Bladder Fire VB39
Cough 1 P1 P2 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Cough 2 P11 IG18 E9 E12 E13 E15 E16 E18 E19
Cough 3 E36 E40 BP19 BP21 C5 ID15 B11 B12 B13
Cough 4 B14 B15 B17 B43 B45 R3 R4 R22 R23
Cough 5 R24 R25 R26 R27 PC2 VB39 VG9 VG10 VG11
Cough 6 VG12 VG14 VC14 VC17 VC19 VC20 VC21 VC22 VC23
Cough and Dyspnea R20
Cough with Agitation VC18
Cough with Copious Phlegm BP20 PC1
Coughing Blood 1 P5 P6 P9 P10 ID15 B13 B15 B43 R2
Coughing Blood 2 R3 PC4 PC7 VC17
Curled Tongue Edges ID1
Cystitis E28 B58 R2 VB26 VB29
Damp Painful Obstruction E38
Damp Painful Obstruction with Inability to Walk F6
Deafness 1 IG1 IG4 IG5 IG6 E7 ID3 ID5 ID8 ID9
Deafness 2 ID17 ID19 B23 R3 TA3 TA4 TA5 TA6 TA7
Deafness 3 TA8 TA9 TA10 TA17 TA21 VB2 VB3 VB10 VB11
Deafness 4 VB20 VB43 VB44 VG15 VG20
Deafness Sudden TA2
Decreased Energy R4
Deficiency and Exhaustion of the Five Zang R11
Dental Pain E3
Depression E41 C5 C7 B15 F3 F5
Diaphragm Pain BP17
Diaphragm Spasm B16
Diarrhea 1 IG8 IG10 IG11 E16 E21 E22 E25 E36 E37
Diarrhea 2 E44 BP1 BP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 BP6 BP9 BP14
Diarrhea 3 BP15 B20 B21 B22 B23 B25 B26 B28 B35
Diarrhea 4 B40 B47 B48 B49 R2 R7 R8 R13 R14
Diarrhea 5 R17 R21 VB25 VB29 F3 F13 F14 VG1 VG4
Diarrhea 6 VG5 VG6 VC4 VC5 VC6 VC8 VC12
Diarrhea with Undigested Food BP9
Digestive Disturbances 1 E18 E19 E36 E37 BP6 BP8 B22 B25 B50
Digestive Disturbances 2 R14 VB24 F13 VC8 VC9 VC10 VC12
Disorientation VG11
Disorientation and Forgetfulness P3
Dizziness 1 P3 E2 E8 E9 E36 E40 E41 BP6 C5
Dizziness 2 ID5 ID7 ID8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B7 B10
Dizziness 3 B18 B22 B23 B58 B62 B65 R1 R3 TA16
Dizziness 4 TA23 VB14 VB17 VB19 VB20 VB41 VB43 F2 F3
Dizziness 5 F8 VG13 VG17 VG20 VG21 VG23
Dorsal Foot Painful Swelling E41 E42 E43 E44 R2 VB41 VB42
Dream Disturbed Sleep BP1 C7 TA16 VB44
Dreaming Excessive E45
Dribbling and Hesitant Flow of Urine VC2
Dry Heaves E19
Dry Stools R15
Dry Throat C9
Dry Tongue R1 R7
Dysenteric Disorder E39 BP8 BP16 B29 B35
Dysmenorrhea 1 E26 BP6 BP8 BP10 B24 B32 R5 F5 VC2
Dysmenorrhea 2 VC3 VC4 VC6
Dysphagia E20 BP20 B46 B48 B49 VC19 VC20
Dyspnea 1 P1 P3 P4 P5 P8 P9 P10 E9 E10
Dyspnea 2 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E18 BP18 BP21 ID1
Dyspnea 3 B11 B12 B13 B15 B42 B45 R4 R22 R23
Dyspnea 4 VB21 VB23 VB40 VG9 VG10 VG12 VG14 VC12 VC15
Dyspnea 5 VC17 VC18 VC19 VC20 VC21 VC22
Dysuria 1 E27 E36 BP6 BP9 BP11 C8 B25 B26 B28
Dysuria 2 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34 B36 B39 B52 B54
Dysuria 3 R1 R10 F1 F2 F5 F8 VC4
Ear Disorders 1 E7 ID19 TA2 TA3 TA5 TA17 TA19 TA20 TA21
Ear Disorders 2 VB2 VB12
Ear Pain VB11
Eczema BP6 BP10 VG14
Edema 1 IG6 E22 E25 E28 E36 E43 BP3 BP6 BP8
Edema 2 BP9 BP12 B20 B21 B22 B23 B39 B52 R1
Edema 3 R6 R7 VB30 F13 VG26 VC3 VC5 VC6 VC8
Edema 4 VC9 VC11
Edema Lower Body E36 E40 BP2 BP9
Ejaculation Premature B23
Elbow Hypertonicity ID7
Elbow Pain IG6
Elbow Problems 1 P5 P6 IG11 IG12 IG13 C1 C3 C4 ID6
Elbow Problems 2 ID8 ID11 PC3 PC5 PC6 TA1 TA3 TA5 TA10
Eliminates Cold from the Liver Channel F12
Emaciation B23 VG9
Emotional Lability ID7
Endocrine Disorders F3
Endometriosis E29 B30 VB26 VB27 VB29 F5
Enuresis BP11 F10 VC1 VC2
Epigastric Hardness below the Heart B51
Epigastric Pain E20 B51
Epilepsy 1 B3 B63 TA7 VB9 VB13 VB15 VG2 VG6 VG8
Epilepsy 2 VG17 VG18 VG19 VG21 VG24 VC15
Epistaxis P3 IG6 E3 E45 C6 B66 VB5 VB18 VG16
Epistaxis Ceaseless VG27
Erosion of the Gums VG28
Eructations B17 B46 PC7
Esophageal Constriction VC16
Esophageal Disorders VC15
Excessive Heat in the Body E45
Excessive Production of Watery Saliva VC23
Expedites Labor and Delivery VB21
External Malleolus Pain B63
Eye Deviation 1 P7 IG4 E1 E2 E7 B62 TA17 VB1 VB2
Eye Deviation 2 VG26 VC24
Eye Disorders 1 P9 IG3 IG4 IG5 IG11 IG14 E1 E2 E8
Eye Disorders 2 E43 ID1 ID3 ID6 B1 B2 B10 B18 B62
Eye Disorders 3 B64 TA1 TA2 TA3 TA4 TA10 TA16 TA17 TA23
Eye Disorders 4 VB1 VB14 VB20 VB37 VB38 VB41 VB43 VB44 F2
Eye Disorders 5 F3 VG23
Eye Pain B4 B9 B67 VB11 VB15 VB19
Eye Pain and Redness VB42
Eye Pain and Redness with Swelling VB16
Eye Redness R17
Eye Redness and Swelling TA20
Eyelid Itching VB14
Eyelid Spasm E1 E2 E4 E8 B2 TA23 VB14
Eyelid Twitching ID18
Eyes Yellow C7 B19 PC5
Facial and Head Edema E41
Facial and Lower Cheek Edema E5
Facial Edema 1 IG4 IG10 IG20 E2 E6 E43 ID8 ID11 ID17
Facial Edema 2 TA16 TA17 VB34 VB43 VG23 VG26 VC24
Facial Itching IG20
Facial Muscle Paralysis 1 P7 IG2 IG4 IG19 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
Facial Muscle Paralysis 2 E6 E7 E8 TA17 TA23 VB2 VB4 VB14 VC24
Facial Neuralgia TA22
Facial Numbness VC24
Facial Pain 1 E2 E7 E44 ID18 B2 TA5 VB3 VB43 VG17
Facial Pain 2 VC24
Facial Redness and Swelling VB6 VG21
Facial Swelling IG7 E42 E45
Facial Tetany VB7
Failure of the Water Passages to Flow VB25
Failure to Discharge Placenta BP6
Fear C4 C5 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC7 PC8 F5
Fear and Fright ID7 TA19 VB9
Fever 1 P5 P8 P10 P11 IG2 IG11 IG14 E36 E44
Fever 2 BP1 BP2 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID7 B11
Fever 3 B12 B15 B17 B19 B64 PC3 PC5 PC6 PC8
Fever 4 PC9 TA1 TA3 TA5 TA6 TA10 VB20 VB44 VG13
Fever 5 VG14
Fever Afternoon B13
Fever and Chills ID7 ID15 VG13 VG14 VG15
Fever and Chills without Sweating ID1
Fever High IG1 IG11 TA5
Fever Tidal P5 P10 B11 B17 B64 TA10
Fever with Absence of Sweating TA15 VB6
Fever without Sweating 1 IG4 BP2 ID4 ID5 B10 B11 R7 TA6 VB37
Fever without Sweating 2 VC13
Fifth Digit Disorders C8
Finger Contraction IG4 ID3 ID4
Finger Inflammation IG3
Finger Movement Inhibited ID4 TA3
Finger Numbness IG1 ID2
Finger Pain P11 TA5
Fingers Ache ID7
Flaccid Tongue VG15
Flaccidity of the Hundred Joints BP21
Flatulence BP7
Foot Cold R1 F3
Foot Pain BP4 BP5 B39 B60 VB41
Foot Swelling VB41
Forearm Medial Pain P9
Forearm Numbness C3
Forearm Pain ID7 TA8 TA9
Four Limbs Contraction VB11
Fright Mania F8
Fright Palpitations VG11 VG24
Gastric Disorders B18 B19 B21 VB34 VB40 F14 VG9
Gastric Reflux VC15
Gastric Ulcer VC12
Gastroesophageal Reflux VB23 VB24 VC9
Gastrointestinal Disorders 1 IG10 E21 E25 E36 BP4 BP5 B19 B20 B21
Gastrointestinal Disorders 2 B22 PC7 VC12 VC13
Gastrointestinal Disorders Acute BP3 PC3
Genital Diseases VC1
Genital Itching C8 R2 R6 F5 F8 VC3
Genital Pain 1 E30 BP6 BP9 B36 B52 B54 R11 R12 F1
Genital Pain 2 F3 F4 F5 F8 F12 VC2 VC3
Genital Pain and Retraction R11
Genital Penis Pain P7 E29
Genital Swelling E30 B28 B52 F1 F8
Genitals Itch VC7
Gluteal Muscle Pain B36 B54
Goiter IG11 IG16 E9 ID17 TA10 TA13 VC22
Grief P7 B42
Grief and Sadness E14
Groin Itches C8
Groin Pain VB30
Growths P1
Gum Disorders TA2 VC24
Gum Pain and Swelling VB9
Gum Pain and Swelling and Redness VG28
Gynecological Disorders BP12 VC2
Halitosis PC8
Hand Dorsal Inflammation IG3
Hand Inability to Grip Firmly ID7
Hand Numbness IG9 C3
Hand Pain C3 ID5 TA2 TA8
Hand Tremor C3 PC3 TA5
Headache 01 P6 P7 P9 IG4 IG5 IG7 E2 E8 E9
Headache 02 E40 E41 BP3 ID1 ID3 ID4 B1 B2 B3
Headache 03 B4 B5 B6 B7 B10 B11 B12 B19 B22
Headache 04 B58 B59 B60 B62 B64 B65 B66 B67 PC1
Headache 05 PC9 TA1 TA2 TA3 TA5 TA12 TA16 TA18 TA19
Headache 06 TA21 TA22 TA23 VB1 VB3 VB5 VB6 VB7 VB9
Headache 07 VB10 VB11 VB12 VB13 VB15 VB16 VB18 VB19 VB20
Headache 08 VB31 VB37 VB39 VB41 VB43 VB44 F2 F3 F8
Headache 09 VG4 VG13 VG15 VG16 VG17 VG18 VG19 VG20 VG22
Headache 10 VG23
Headache Frontal B2 B4 VB14 VG24
Headache Lateral B62
Headache Midline B62 VB20
Headache Migraine E8 PC6 TA9 TA10 VB37 VB38 VB39 VB43
Headache Occipital B10 VB41 VG15
Headache One-Sided VB17
Headache Splitting VG4
Headache Temporal VB4 VB8
Headache Tensional B9
Headache Unilateral TA10 VB38
Headache Vertex R1 VG20 VG21
Headache with Chills B11
Headache with Dizziness C3 B56
Headache with Heaviness TA22
Hearing Loss TA7 TA18 TA19 VB20 VB43
Hearing Loss Sudden TA16
Heart Pain VC11
Heat in the Body Like Fire C9
Heat in the Soles of the Feet B67
Heat Stroke R1 PC3 VC6 VG14
Heaviness of the Head B59 VB8 VG17
Heaviness of the Head and Neck B9
Heel Pain B57 B60 B61 R4
Hematuria P7 IG8 BP1 B23 B27 F1 VC4
Hemiplagia 1 IG9 VB32 VG16 P7 IG4 IG11 IG15 E36 E37
Hemiplegia 2 BP6 ID6 B7 B40 R6 TA5 VB2 VB20 VB21
Hemiplegia 3 VB30 VB31 VB34 VB38 VB39 VG20 VC24
Hemoptysis R4
Hemorrhage Chronic B20
Hemorrhage Postpartum VC4 VC6
Hemorrhoids 1 P6 BP3 BP4 BP5 B24 B27 B29 B35 B36
Hemorrhoids 2 B40 B54 B56 B57 B58 VB39 VG1 VG2 VG6
Hemorrhoids 3 VG20 VC1
Hepatobiliary Disorders VB24
Hernia 1 E26 E28 E29 E30 BP6 BP13 BP14 B29 B30
Hernia 2 B32 R9 R10 VB26 VB27 F3 VC4 VC5 VC6
Hernia Pain BP12 F1 F2 F4 F5 F12
Herpes Zoster VB40
Hiccough 1 E13 E34 E36 BP18 B16 B17 B46 R18 PC6
Hiccough 2 VB23 F14 VC17 VC22
Hip Joint Mobility Decreased B40
Hip Movement Decreased B53 F10 F11
Hip Movement Inhibited BP12
Hip Pain B30 VB30
Holds the Blood B20
Hypersalivation R18 R21
Hypertension 1 IG11 IG15 E9 E36 BP6 R1 TA5 VB20 VB34
Hypertension 2 VB43 VB44 F2 F3 VG14 VG20
Hypertonicity of the Jaws TA22
Hypochondriac Region Fullness C1 VG9
Hypochondriac Region Pain 1 C3 C7 ID4 B18 B19 B21 PC6 PC7 TA5
Hypochondriac Region Pain 2 TA6 TA10 VB26 VB34 VB38 VB39 VB40 VB41 VB43
Hypochondriac Region Pain 3 VB44 F2 F3 F13 F14
Hypochondriac Region Swelling F3
Hypogastric Distention and Fullness E27
Hypogastric Fullness F10
Hypogastric Pain R11 F6 F12
Hypogastric Pain Twisting VC4
Hypotension E9 VG25
Hysteria E43 C4 C7 C8 PC5 PC6 VG12
Iliac Region Pain E32
Impotence 1 E29 E30 BP6 B23 B31 B32 B35 B52 R3
Impotence 2 R10 R11 R12 F8 VG1 VG3 VG4 VC2 VC3
Impotence 3 VC4 VC6
Inability to Swallow Food PC8
Inability to turn over when Lying Down BP19
Indigestion 1 IG10 E23 E34 E36 BP2 BP4 BP5 B21 VB40
Indigestion 2 F14 VC12 VC13 VC14
Induces Labor IG4 BP6
Infertility 1 E25 E28 E29 E30 BP6 R1 R2 R13 R18
Infertility 2 F11 VC3 VC4 VC6 VC7
Influences all Yin Organs VC15
Inguinal Lymphadenitis E31
Inguinal Region Pain and Swelling BP11
Inhibits Uterine Bleeding B55 R8
Inner Canthus Redness and Pain R15
Insomnia 1 P3 E16 BP6 C7 B15 B62 R3 R6 PC4
Insomnia 2 PC5 PC6 PC7 VB12 VB20 VB23 VB44 F2 F3
Insomnia 3 VG14 VG18 VG19 VG24
Insomnia with Fear E27
Intercostal Neuralgia C3 TA6 VB43 VG9 VC17
Intestinal Cramping B56
Intestinal Disorders 1 IG4 IG11 E25 E36 E37 E44 BP3 BP9 BP15
Intestinal Disorders 2 B20 B22 B25 B27 B39 VB26 VG4 VC4 VC6
Intestinal Disorders 3 VC12
Intestinal Pain VC11
Irregular Defecation B48
Irritable C7 B11 B15 PC3 TA1
Itching VB31 F5
Jaundice 1 E36 BP4 BP5 BP9 ID1 ID4 B18 B19 B20
Jaundice 2 B22 B48 B49 R2 PC6 VB23 VB24 VB34 F3
Jaundice 3 F4 F13 VG6 VG9 VC12 VC13 VC14
Jaw Disorders 1 P7 IG1 IG10 IG19 E6 E7 ID5 ID9 ID11
Jaw Disorders 2 TA17 TA21 VB2 VB43 VG20 VG26
Jaws Clenched E5
Joint Pain F6
Joint Wind with Sweating VB4
Knee Disorders 1 E32 E34 E35 E36 BP9 B11 B23 B40 B52
Knee Disorders 2 R10 VB33 VB34 VB37 VB39 F8 VG3
Knee Pain BP7 B61
Knee Pain and Swelling VB35
Labor Difficult IG4 BP6 B32 B33 B34 VB21
Labor Difficult or Prolonged B60 B67
Lack of Energy R15
Lacrimation E1 E2 E3 B1 B2 VB1 VB14 F2
Lacrimation Upon Wind Exposure E1 E8 B1 B2 VB14 VB15
Lactation Insufficient E18 BP18 ID1 VB21 VC17
Large Intestine Qi Stagnation IG9
Lassitude TA8
Lateral Costal Region VB25
Lateral Costal Region Distention and Fullness BP21 R26 VB35
Lateral Costal Region Fullness R24
Lateral Costal Region Pain C1 C2 PC1 PC2 TA6 VB22 VB24 VB36 VC18
Lateral Costal Region Swelling F14
Lateral Leg Cramping R19
Lateral Leg Pain R19
Lateral Malleolus Edema B59
Leads Down Excess B60
Leg Atrophy B61
Leg Muscle Atrophy 1 E31 E40 BP6 B36 B37 B54 R7 VB30 VB31
Leg Muscle Atrophy 2 VB34 VB39
Leg Muscle Cramp B39 B55 VB40 B57
Leg Muscle Pain Lateral VB37
Leg Muscle Weakness E35 B28 B58 VB31
Leg Numbness E31 B25 B37 B40 VB33 VB34 VG3
Leg Numbness and Pain BP7
Leg Pain 1 E36 E40 BP6 BP9 B25 B32 B37 B40 B55
Leg Pain 2 B56 B58 B62 B64 VB29 VB30 VB31 VB34 VB36
Leg Pain 3 VB37 VB38 VB39 VB40 VB41 F5 F8
Leg Pain and Swelling B61
Leg Pain Lateral VB38
Leg Pain Medial R9
Leg Paralysis 1 E31 E32 E34 E40 BP6 B25 B31 B32 B33
Leg Paralysis 2 B36 B37 B39 B40 B54 B55 R1 VB29 VB30
Leg Paralysis 3 VB31 VB33 VB34 VB37 VG3
Leukorrhea 1 E29 BP6 B23 B27 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34
Leukorrhea 2 B35 R6 R12 R13 VB26 VB27 VB28 F2 F5
Leukorrhea 3 VG3 VG4 VC2 VC3 VC4 VC5 VC6 VC7
Limb Heaviness VG9
Limb Weakness BP21
Lip Stiffness TA21
Lip Tremor VG26
Lips Swelling and Stiffness VG27
Liver Disorders B18 B19 B47 B49 VB34 F3 F13 F14 VG9
Lochia Persistent Flow F6 VC7
Loss of Consciousness P11 IG1 ID1 R1 PC9 VG26
Loss of Sense of Smell IG20 VG22
Loss of Voice P6 P10 IG18 C7 R1 TA1 TA2
Loss of Voice Sudden C4 C5 TA6 TA9 VG15 VG16 VC22 VC23 VC24
Lower Abdominal Disorders E26
Lower Abdominal Distention R11
Lower Abdominal Pain R15 VB28
Lower Extremity Arthralgia F6
Lower Extremity Disorders E33
Lower Extremity Pain E39
Lower Extremity Pain or Paralysis E41
Lower Leg Pain or Paralysis E38
Lower Limb Atrophy VB32
Lower Limb Atrophy with Painful Obstruction VB35 VB36
Lower Limb Numbness VB32
Lower Limbs and Feet Cold E45
Lumbar and Back Pain VG7
Lumbar and Leg Pain B35
Lumbar Cold Sensation B30
Lumbar Mobility Decreased ID6
Lumbar Pain 1 E30 E31 E32 E34 BP8 BP9 ID3 ID6 B11
Lumbar Pain 2 B12 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 B27 B30 B31
Lumbar Pain 3 B32 B33 B34 B36 B37 B39 B40 B52 B55
Lumbar Pain 4 B56 B57 B58 B59 B60 B62 B63 B64 B65
Lumbar Pain 5 R3 R7 R13 VB24 VB26 VB27 VB28 VB29 VB30
Lumbar Pain 6 VB31 VB38 F3 F4 F5 F13 VG1 VG2 VG3
Lumbar Pain 7 VG4 VG26
Lumbar Spinal Pain B24 R7 VG1 VG26
Lumbar Spinal Pain and Stiffness VG5 B29 R4
Lumbar Spinal Stiffness VG6
Lumbar Sprain B25 VG4 VG26
Lumbar Stiffness B22 B39 VG12 VG26
Lumbosacral Joint Diseases B31 B32 B33 B34
Lumbosacral Pain B28 B30 B54
Lumbo-Sacral Pain Radiates to Hypogastrium F9
Malaria 1 IG3 ID3 ID4 PC5 PC6 TA2 TA4 VB38 VB40
Malaria 2 VB41 F14 VG13 VG14
Malposition of Fetus B67
Mania E23 E24 E42 B5 B61 VB9 VG16 VG19
Mania and Depression 1 E45 C9 ID7 B8 B65 VG18 VG27 VG28 VC1
Mania and Depression 2 VC15
Manic Raving IG6 IG8
Mastitis 1 P5 P10 E18 E34 E36 E39 BP18 ID1 ID11
Mastitis 2 R3 PC4 VB21 VB41 F14 VC17
Measles IG11
Medial Knee Pain, Swelling and Inflammation F7
Melancholy PC4
Memory Impaired C3 C7 B15 B43 PC6 VG20 VC14
Meniere's Disease B62
Menorrhagia BP1 B20 R8 VC3
Menses Early F2
Menses Irregular 1 E25 E28 E29 E30 BP6 BP8 BP9 BP10 B23
Menses Irregular 2 B24 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34 B52 R2 R3
Menses Irregular 3 R5 R6 R8 R13 R14 R15 PC5 PC6 VB26
Menses Irregular 4 VB41 F1 F3 F5 F9 F11 VG2 VG3 VG4
Menses Irregular 5 VC1 VC2 VC3 VC4 VC6 VC7
Menses Painful VC4
Menstrual Disorders BP8
Menstrual Lumbar Pain B35
Mental Disorders 1 P11 IG11 E8 E36 E40 BP1 C3 C4 C5
Mental Disorders 2 C7 ID3 ID5 ID8 ID19 B15 B18 B62 B64
Mental Disorders 3 R1 R9 R10 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 TA10 TA23
Mental Disorders 4 VG1 VG12 VG13 VG14 VG15 VG20 VG23 VG26 VC12
Mental Disorders 5 VC14 VC24
Metabolic Disturbances PC6
Metrorrhagia R14
Moderates Acute Conditions P6 IG7 E34 BP8 C6 ID6 B63 PC4
Moistens the Lung P6
Mouth and Eye Deviation E3 ID18 VB3 VB12
Mouth Deviation 1 P7 IG4 IG19 IG20 E1 E2 E4 E5 E6
Mouth Deviation 2 E7 E42 E44 E45 B7 B62 TA17 VB1 VB2
Mouth Deviation 3 F2 F3 VG26 VC24
Mouth Dryness B27 TA1 TA4 VG12
Mouth Pain IG7
Mouth Ulcers PC8 VC23 VC24
Moves Blood Stasis B15 R14 R18
Moves Lumbar Region Qi and Blood Stagnation B37
Moves Qi BP15 ID11
Moves Qi through the three Burners B16
Moves the Stool TA6
Myopia B9 VB16
Nasal Allergies B3
Nasal Congested VG22 VG27 VG28
Nasal Congestion 1 P1 IG19 IG20 B2 B3 B4 B6 B7 B10
Nasal Congestion 2 B12 B58 B67 VB15 VB18 VB20 VG20 VG21 VG23
Nasal Congestion 3 VG25 VG26
Nasal Congestion and Discharge VG24
Nasal Discharge B12
Nasal Discharge Copious and Clear B6
Nasal Discharge Excessive E40
Nasal Disorders IG20
Nasal Obstruction R22
Nasal Polyps IG19 IG20 VG23 VG25
Nasal Sores IG19 VG28
Nausea E36 B21 R26 PC5 PC6 F3 VC12 VC13 VC14
Nausea and Vomiting E24 B6 R21 TA19 VC10
Neck Mobility Decreased B11
Neck Movement Restricted ID14
Neck Muscle Stiffness and Tension B10
Neck Nodular P1
Neck Nodular Growths E9 VB20 VC22
Neck Pain 1 E6 ID3 ID8 B11 B66 TA10 VB20 VB21 VB36
Neck Pain 2 VB40 VG14 VG16
Neck Pain and Stiffness B41 TA15 VB10 VB11 VB12 VB13 VB19 VG17
Neck Stiffness 1 P7 E6 E11 C3 ID3 ID4 ID6 ID7 ID8
Neck Stiffness 2 B12 B42 B60 B64 B65 TA5 TA16 VB20 VB21
Neck Stiffness 3 VB39 VG10 VG14 VG15 VG16 VC24
Neck Stiffness and Pain TA12
Neck Stiffness with Inability to Rotate VG18
Neck Swelling ID5
Neck Swelling Posterior VC22
Nephritis E28 BP9 B23 R3 VC3
Neurasthenia E36 BP6 C3 C5 VC12
Night Sweating C6
No Appetite E19 E20 E22 BP8 R24
No Desire to Eat VG7
No Pleasure in Eating B48 R22 VC10 VC11
No Pleasure in Eating with Abdominal Distention E42
Nocturnal Emissions 1 BP6 BP9 B15 B23 B27 B43 B52 R3 F4
Nocturnal Emissions 2 F8 VC3 VC4
Nosebleed 1 P3 P11 IG2 IG4 IG19 IG20 E44 BP1 ID1
Nosebleed 2 ID2 B4 B7 B18 B58 B60 B62 B67 R1
Nosebleed 3 PC4 PC8 VB39 F2 VG14 VG15 VG20 VG23 VG25
Nosebleed 4 VG26
One Sided Headache VB4 VB5 VB6 VB8
Oppressive Sensation in the Heart VC15
Optic Nerve Atrophy E1 VB1 VB37
Optic Nerve Inflammation E1
Orchitis 1 E28 E29 B31 B32 B33 B34 R7 VB27 VB29
Orchitis 2 F5
Outer Canthus Pain VB4 VB5 VB6 VB15
Ovarian Pain BP13
Pain of the Anus and Urethra VC1
Palm Heat P10 C7 C8 PC7 PC9
Palpitations 1 P9 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 B14 B15 B62
Palpitations 2 B64 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 F2 VC14 VC15
Palpitations 3 VC17
Pancreatitis E36
Panic B15
Paralysis B59 VB29
Paralysis due to Wind Stoke E36
Parotitis P11 IG4 E6 ID2 ID5 TA5 TA17 VB2
Pelvic and Reproductive Conditions R11
Pelvic Problems R9
Penis Pain F12
Perineum Pain and Itching VC1
Peritonitis E25
Periumbilical Pain BP14 BP16 VC7 VC9
Periumbilical Pain Acute E22
Perspiration Absent P6 R7 VG13
Perspiration at Night ID3 B13 B15 B17 B43 R7 F2 VG14
Perspiration Continuous Postpartum F3
Perspiration Excessive IG15 E13
Perspiration Excessive in Palms PC8
Perspiration Spontaneous R7
Poor Memory VG11
Posterior Shoulder Pain PC2
Postpartum Abdominal Pain R14 R18
Postpartum Disorders F14
Postpartum Uterine Hemorrhage F6 VC5 VC7
Pounding of the Heart C9
Premature Ejaculation E27
Ptosis VB14
Rectal Prolapse B30 B57 PC6 VG6
Reproductive System Disorders E36 BP6
Respiratory Disorders 1 P1 P5 P6 P8 P9 IG4 IG19 IG20 E2
Respiratory Disorders 2 E13 E14 E15 ID16 B7 B11 B12 B13 B19
Respiratory Disorders 3 B42 B43 B44 R20 R22 PC4 TA4 TA5 VB20
Respiratory Disorders 4 VG10 VG12 VG14 VG23 VG25 VC16 VC17 VC18 VC20
Retching P4
Retching Blood PC4
Retention of Placenta B67 VC3
Rhinitis B3 B4 VB5 VB18 VG24
Rib Constriction VG14
Rib Fullness ID11
Running Piglet Qi VC7
Sacral Pain B25 B27 B32 B33 B34 B36 VG1 VG2
Sadness P3 P7 C1 R17 VG11
Sadness and Anxiety ID7
Saliva Excessive E4 R10 PC5 VC24
Saliva Like White Glue VC19
Scapular Pain ID8 ID9 ID10 ID11 ID13 B11 TA13 TA15
Sciatica 1 B26 B28 B29 B30 B31 B34 B36 B37 B53
Sciatica 2 B54 VB29 VB30 VB31 VB32 VB34 VB39 VG4
Scrotal Conditions VB27
Seizures 1 IG16 E36 E40 BP1 C3 C4 C7 ID2 ID3
Seizures 2 ID5 ID8 B10 B15 B18 B58 B62 B64 R1
Seizures 3 R6 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 TA10 TA23
Seizures 4 VB20 F1 F2 F3 VG1 VG12 VG13 VG14 VG15
Seizures 5 VG20 VG26 VC13 VC14
Seminal Emissions 1 E27 BP8 B15 B23 B27 B28 B30 B43 B52
Seminal Emissions 2 R2 R3 R11 R12 F8 VG3 VG4 VC1 VC2
Seminal Emissions 3 VC3 VC4
Sexual Dysfunction F5
Shock E36 R1 PC9 VG20 VG26 VC8
Shortness of Breath P4 E15 BP19 PC1
Shoulder and Arm Pain IG7 C2 TA11 TA12 TA13 TA15
Shoulder and Back Contraction B60
Shoulder and Back Pain B10 B45
Shoulder and Neck Pain B41
Shoulder Disorders ID9
Shoulder Heaviness TA6 TA14
Shoulder Joint Soft Tissue Diseases IG15 C1 ID10 TA14
Shoulder Movement Limited P2 IG16 E12 PC2 TA14
Shoulder Pain 1 P1 P2 P5 IG9 IG10 IG14 IG15 IG16 E12
Shoulder Pain 2 C2 ID3 ID6 ID8 ID9 ID10 ID11 ID13 ID16
Shoulder Pain 3 B12 TA3 TA4 TA6 TA10 TA14 VB20 VB21 VG14
Shoulder Pain and Swelling E10
Shoulder Pain with Stiffness E38
Shoulder Wind Damp IG15
Shoulder, Scapula and Back Pain B42
Shoulder, Upper Arm, Mid Back Pain ID14
Sinus Pain E3
Skin Disorders 1 IG4 IG10 IG11 IG13 IG14 IG15 IG17 IG18 E9
Skin Disorders 2 E44 BP10 C1 C3 B40 PC3 PC7 PC8 TA10
Skin Disorders 3 TA16 VB21 VB30 VB38 VB41
Small Intestine Disorders E39
Soles Hot R1
Somnolence P3 TA10
Speech Impaired E9 VG14
Spinal Pain B11 B18 VG2 VG4 VG9 VG11 VG13 VG14
Spinal Stiffness VG7
Spinal Stiffness and Contraction VG8
Spleen Disorders B49
Spleen Heat VG10
Sputum with Blood and Pus VC22
Stiff Tongue E24 C5 ID1 PC9 TA1 VB11 VB44 VG15
Stomach Cold VG9
Stomach Dilated VC13
Stomach Disharmony E41
Stomach Nervous Dysfunction E21
Stomach Pain 1 E21 E23 E24 E34 E36 E44 BP2 BP3 B21
Stomach Pain 2 PC3 PC5 PC6 PC7 VG8 VC10 VC12 VC13
Stomach Prolapse B20
Stomach Spasms VC13
Stool with Blood BP1 B20 B27 R7 VG1 VC4
Stool with Pus R7
Stool with Undigested Food B20 B21 B22 B43 F13
Sudden Inability to Speak Following Windstroke VG16
Suicidal Tendencies VG16
Superciliary Region Pain B2
Superficial Visual Obstruction E3
Supraclavicular Fossa Pain E12 VB38
Supraorbital Neuralgia VB14
Surgical Pain or Post Surgical Shock PC6
Swallowing Difficult IG18 B17 B21
Swelling of Lips and Cheeks E3
Swollen Tongue VC23
Syncope C9 B2 VG26
Teeth Grinding VB37
Tennis Elbow TA7
Testicular Pain F5
Testicular Swelling F3 F5
Testicular Swelling and Pain R8
Tetany VG1
Thigh and Knee Pain E33
Thigh and Knee Swelling E38
Thigh Lateral Distention B37 B38
Thigh Medial Pain BP10 R10 F8
Thigh Pain E31 B36 B37 B38 B64 VB30
Thigh Swelling R7
Thirst C1 C7 ID4 B26 TA4 F2 VC23 VC24
Thirst Excessive BP20
Thoracic Discomfort P5 B14
Thoracic Distention BP20
Thoracic Distention and Fullness E13
Thoracic Fullness P2 P4
Thoracic Oppression PC1
Thoracic Pain E18 B60
Thoracic Pain and Distention E16
Thoracic Pain and Fullness E15
Throat Constriction 1 IG1 IG2 IG5 IG11 IG18 E9 E40 R1 TA2
Throat Constriction 2 TA6 TA16 VB34 VC22
Throat Disorders B17 VC14 VC17 VC21 VC22 VC23
Throat Dryness C1 C7 R6 F2 VC22
Throat Infections 1 P6 P10 P11 E44 ID17 PC7 TA4 TA9 VC21
Throat Infections 2 VC22
Throat Pain IG7 E45 ID17 VB12
Throat Pain and Swollen E11 VG16 E12
Throat Soreness 1 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 IG1 IG2
Throat Soreness 2 IG3 IG4 IG5 IG11 IG18 E9 E40 E44 C5
Throat Soreness 3 ID1 ID2 ID17 B10 B19 R1 R2 R3 R6
Throat Soreness 4 TA1 TA2 TA3 TA4 TA16 F3 VC21 VC22
Throat Soreness and Swelling E10
Tibial Bone Pain E36
Tinnitus 1 IG1 IG5 E7 E44 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID9
Tinnitus 2 ID17 ID19 B8 B23 B62 R3 PC9 TA2 TA3
Tinnitus 3 TA5 TA6 TA17 TA18 TA19 TA21 TA22 VB2 VB3
Tinnitus 4 VB4 VB10 VB11 VB20 VB42 VB43 VG20
Toe Pain R1
Tongue Pain IG7
Tooth Decay ID8
Toothache 1 P7 P9 P10 IG1 IG2 IG3 IG4 IG5 IG7
Toothache 2 IG10 IG11 E4 E6 E7 E42 E44 E45 C3
Toothache 3 ID5 ID9 ID18 ID19 B14 R3 TA2 TA8 TA9
Toothache 4 TA12 TA17 TA20 TA21 TA23 VB2 VB3 VB5 VB9
Toothache 5 VB12 VB17 VC24
Toothache Lower Jaw E5
Trigeminal Neuralgia IG2 IG3 E2 E4 E7 E44
Trismus E6 E45 TA17
Ulcer Gastric IG10 E21 E36 B20 B21
Ulcers PC8
Undigested Food in Stool VG5 VC10
Upper Arm Antero-Lateral Pain P3
Upper Arm Pain P4
Upper Extremity Pain TA7
Upper Respiratory Conditions VG16
Uprising Qi PC1
Urethral Discharge F2
Urethritis VC1
Urinary Dysfunction 1 BP6 BP9 BP10 C8 B23 B26 B27 B28 B52
Urinary Dysfunction 2 B53 R3 F1 F3 F5 VG1 VC2 VC3 VC4
Urinary Dysfunction 3 VC6
Urinary Incontinence 1 BP6 BP9 C8 B23 B28 B40 VB34 F1 F2
Urinary Incontinence 2 VC6
Urinary Obstruction B39
Urinary Tract Infection BP9 R7
Urinary Tract Pain F2
Urination and Defecation Difficult R8
Urination Difficult BP7 R4 R5 R13 F9 F10 VC1 VC2 VC5
Urination Frequent B26 B28 B52 R3 R6 VC4
Urination Inability VC7
Urine Dark E39 B27 B28 VB12 VC10 VC12
Urine Retention 1 E27 E28 BP9 BP11 BP12 B22 B28 R11 F2
Urine Retention 2 F3 F4 F5 F8 F9 F10 VC3 VC4 VC5
Urine Retention 3 VC6
Urine Retention and Feces VC7
Urine Turbid B19 F2
Urogenital Disorders BP8 B28 B61 R10 R12
Urticaria IG5 IG15 E32 BP6 BP10 B12 B17 B20 TA10
Urticaria VB20 VB31
Uterine Bleeding Abnormal 1 E40 BP1 BP6 BP10 C5 R7 R10 VB21 F1
Uterine Bleeding Abnormal 2 F2 F3 F5 F6 VG4 VC3 VC4 VC6 VC7
Uterine Prolapse 1 E29 BP6 B20 B31 B32 B33 B34 B36 R2
Uterine Prolapse 2 R5 R6 R8 VB26 VB28 F1 F5 F8 F12
Uterine Prolapse 3 VG20 VC1 VC3 VC4 VC6
Vaginal Discharge VC5
Vaginal Pain VC3
Vaginitis F8 VC3
Vertigo 1 E40 BP6 B3 B4 B6 B9 B10 R1 TA3
Vertigo 2 TA23 VB8 VB14 VB20 VB41 VB43 F2 F3 VG16
Vertigo 3 VG20 VG22 VG24
Vertigo with Agitation VG18
Visual Disturbances 1 IG2 IG6 E1 E2 E8 C5 ID6 ID16 B1
Visual Disturbances 2 B2 B4 B9 B10 B18 B23 B58 R1 TA16
Visual Disturbances 3 TA17 TA23 VB1 VB14 VB20 VB37 F2 F3
Visual Dizziness 1 B60 B65 B66 VB4 VB13 VB15 VB16 VB17 VG16
Visual Dizziness 2 VG18 VG19 VG22 VG24
Voice Hoarse P10 IG18 VC22
Vomiting 1 IG10 IG11 E19 E20 E21 E36 BP2 BP3 C3
Vomiting 2 B14 B15 B17 B20 B21 B22 B40 B46 B47
Vomiting 3 B49 B52 R16 R18 R20 R21 R26 PC3 PC5
Vomiting 4 PC6 PC7 PC8 TA6 VB23 VB24 VB34 VB40 F2
Vomiting 5 F3 F13 F14 VG3 VC12 VC13 VC14 VC18 VC22
Vomiting Blood IG13 B15 B17 B18
Vomiting with Uprising Qi VC19
Weakness General E36 B43
Wheezing P1 P5 IG18 VC17 VC21
Wind Tetany with Lockjaw E5
Windstroke 1 R1 PC6 PC8 PC9 VB15 VB21 VG15 VG16 VG20
Windstroke 2 VC4 VC8
Worry P7 VG11
Wrist Joint Soft Tissue Diseases P7 P9 IG5 TA4
Wrist Pain P8 P9 IG6 C5 ID4 ID5 PC7 TA4 VB4
Yellow Eyes C2 ID18
Meridians corresponding Organs and their Symptoms:
Holistic Treatment without side-effects:
Sites de acupuntura:
AMBA-Associação Médica Brasileira de Acupuntura:
IBMTC-Instituto Brasileiro de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa:
ABA-Associação Brasileira de Acupuntura:
ABACO/CBA-Colégio Brasileiro de Acupuntura:
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